Jumping the Shark, McNabb Style
Like Happy Days after the Fonz's infamous waterskiing heroics, I think the death knell has rung in Philly for #5. Donovan, in his familiar passive-aggressive manner, blew up before the media yesterday after Wednesday's practice.
McNabb again showed that his state of mind is not in a good place when asked yesterday about his comments to HBO that black QBs are scrutinized more heavily than white QBs : "It's just reality. It's something that I've been a part of and other quarterbacks before and after me have been a part of. Did I expect any backlash? Yeah. Everything I say, I expect backlash from it."
{Paulomon Grundy thought bubble: I wonder where a Mexican-American QB would stand on Mcnabb's Wheel of Criticism. A solid parallel story for ESPN would have been to interview Jim Plunkett, if for no other reason that I love the way that guy wore his helmet...}
But OK, I am only an armchair psychaitrist by training, but when someone says that "I expect backlash from everything I say", it seems that the guy has some kind of unhealthy complex going on. Time to see Dr. Feelgood for a few sessions?
McNabb went on: "People are trying to dig too deep in this whole situation. I wasn't pinpointing particular people. What I said was the fact that we [black QBs] have to do a little extra. No matter the style of play you're displaying, there's always going to be criticism."
"Situation"? When did this become a situation? It sounds like he just made a bunch of ridiculous comments, but now we have a situation apparently...to me, a situation means that something is happening...is he leaving Philly? Retiring? Donovan, please tell us what the situation is.
Sometime after that, #5 stormed off the podium. Excellent. I suppose that was another example of McNabb's "class and dignity" that he referred to during the HBO interview.
To sum up my feelings, I don't even need to reiterate what I blogged about the other day on this "situation"...Vince Young (who I believe is a black QB too) said it all for me yesterday: "Black or white quarterbacks, we all go through something because that's the life of a quarterback...You've got to be able to handle all the pressure. You've got to be able to handle the losses. You've got to be able to handle the media. If you can't handle it, you've got to get off that position and go play something else."
Andy Reid seems to be completely unable to reach his players right now, so I don't have much faith that he can control McNabb's spiral downward. Reid needs to do something however...someone needs to do something to help this QB. And not only for the Birds, but just because it is just getting sad to watch this happen to the guy....
Come on everybody, sing along with me now: Tuesday, Wednesday, Happy Days, Thursday, Friday, Happy Days, Sunday, Monday night...um, happy...days..?
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